10 Best Songs to Listen to While Masturbating
8. Ne-yo – She Uses Me
A guy sings a song about a girl masturbating to him singing. Yeah, that’s a good masturbation fantasy.
She close her eyes
She can’t stop it no
She hypnotized
My music playing in the background
She’s almost there yeah yeah yeah
She turns it up
She lets my voice get her there
She use me as part of her masturbation
Source: elyricsworld.com
7. Tori Amos – Icicle
Ms. Amos sings about a girl masturbating and fantasizing about Jesus. Taboo…Maybe, but worth a try at least once…Absolutely!
As a matter of fact, I think she’s masturbating during this performance.
6. Rihanna – Rude Boy
Empowering song about a woman taking charge of her sexuality and her sexual experience. Things are going to happen her way tonight.